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Web 3 Developer, and storyteller
I joined the web3 space in October of last year believing it was all a scheme. I dive deep into learning about new hobbies, and Web 3 was no different. I've spent the last year building my knowledge base, and would like to share it with the world.
As many of you may already be aware, NFT.NYC is preparing its voyage across the pond to host NFT.London, taking place across November 3rd and 4th at the very epicenter of Europe’s third largest city, Westminster’s ‘Queen Elizabeth II Centre.'
Nilos today announced a successful $5.2 million financing round to offer a first of its kind platform that unifies crypto and fiat treasuries for businesses.
The album will be incorporated into Jagwar Twin’s metaverse platform ‘Hall of Fame' — here, fans can engage with the work of Jagwar by minting a free Crown NFT.